Falling In Love
Falling in love as a teenager is called puppy love. When you are a teen you don't know what can happen. Things can be unpredictable when two people are in love. The first person that I have fallen in love with was when I came to SPA. I can't say the name. It is not that strong, but I enjoy having his company. He can be sweet and calm when he is around me. When he is around others he can be loud and hyper. He has a funny side and a moody side, like everyone. He is different; he is also a good cook. If you ever taste his food you would be amazed. When I first met him we had some drama and of course I didn't want that, so I broke up with him. When I broke up with him I still liked him a lot, it was just that he did not know it. After about a couple months’ I went back with him and it was calmer and drama free. Even when I get frustrated I can never hate him. He might not know that, but I do. I can't say that it is really love because love is a strong word. I can say that liking can be strong as well. Love is like to cherries stuck together until one is eaten then the other is as well. Love is sweet and romantic. Also love can be frustrating and deceiving. Love is BEAUTIFUL. Falling in love can really change a person. If one loves the other, that one will try twice as hard to work with their love. When in love, people are motivated by their partner.
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