Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free Choice

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and it went great. I know, I did not have a Valentine but still had a great day. The only problem was that I had to work after school. It was not bad I got to learn how to make smoothies and frappes. I thought that it would be a bad day for me at work. It turned out to be fun. After work I ate dinner and then did a whole hour of doing homework. After that I went to boxing and met the new instructors. I thought that they were pretty good with us. I thought that since our old instructor had left that boxing was going to be boring. Instead I had a good time. I give a round of applause. Good job guys! Then there is today, which went pretty good as well. I went to work out this morning in the gym. At the end of the work out I felt wide awake. Then I went home took a shower and then went up to the cafe. The cafe had pancakes and they tasted better then ever. Well at least I thought so. Then came school which was good I was not as annoyed or frustrated. It was quiet and calm. I am waiting for after school because I am going for a jog. Sounds fun to me. So today I was told something very nice and I want to thank that person. That person told me "You look very nice today." Even though I look like I just got up from bed. Funny right.

1 comment:

  1. Your Welcome. Jk I was not the one who told you that. But you looked very nice today even though it looked like you rolled out of bed, Funny Huh???
