Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CAHSEE Reflection

Today I had taken the CHASEE an I have to be honest it was pretty easy. I thought that it was going to be hard. The only part that I had trouble was with the five paragraph essay. I had trouble figuring out what I was going to write about. Over all I think that I did good. I tried my best, no one can tell me I didn't. Testing got me exhausted and worn out. Afterward I was so drained that all I wanted to do was sleep and do nothing. I know sounds lazy but I think that it is a good idea. I was done early during the first section and I went in the back room and that room was really cold. The second part took me longer and it had more reading, I dislike reading something that I don't chose to read. There was two stories that caught my attention which was a poem and a story about a girl who had a history project about a Native American Women. Tomorrow I will be taking the math section and I feel like I am going to pass it with flying colors. It's nothing but Algebra 1 which is junior high school math. It might be hard for most students because most of us are in Geometry or Algebra 2. We have not learned it in a while. So yeah, it should be really easy for me. I like math a lot, I like the equations and trying to figure everything out.


  1. I thought it was going to be hard too, but I think that you probably did a good job.

  2. I agree with Becky. We all need a challenge sometime in our life. But you did good. I'm proud of you.

  3. Im sure you did good on the essay.

  4. I think you did fine, Great paragraph Yaya!
