UnGoogleable Research – What I Already Know
My focus question is “How does having abortions emotionally impact men?”. I already know that men who have a girlfriend or wife who have an abortion go to therapy because they don't know how to express or let out there emotions about it.I also know that majority of men don't agree to having abortions and after having an abortion without consent withdraw out of their relationship.Additionally, men do grieve following abortion, but they are more likely to deny their grief or internalize their feelings of loss rather than openly express them.By doing research, I hope to learn the many emotional effects that men have afetr their spout has and abortion and what kind of help that they recieve to help cure them.
Hey I think you picked a great question to do your research paper on. Abortion is a big problem not just in the united states ,but all around the world. I hope you are able to reach your full potential on this assignment.