Monday, May 30, 2011

End of Year Reflection – Greatest High School Obstacle

In the beginning of my sophomore year I was on two hour and was procrastinating. Then I realized that I could do better and needed to do my homework on time. As soon as I did that my GPA was higher then I had since I lived here. I felt good about that. During second quarter I was off two hour. I was doing good and proud of myself. Third quarter I was doing better. My grades were good and I even got Student of the quarter. I felt really good about that. It was unexpected. Fourth quarter I was struggling and still on task. I don't know why I was struggling. I still kept my promise that I made to myself. I got self passes and feel good about that. I am going to play football again. Happy about that. Have good friends and still doing good in school. I hope to continue this next year. This school year has been great for me.


  1. You've done a great job going from the bottom to the top. Good Job

  2. Your post is similar to mine but it has to do with family. Great Job Yaya.

  3. You have made great improvements, Good Job.
